25-Dec: Habakkuk 1-Zephaniah 1; Revelation 3-5
Habakkuk 1: Habbakuk’s complaint: How long will injustice rule: why do you tolerate the wicked, surrounded by people who love to argue and fight. The Lord’s Reply, Raising up the Babylonians, Habakkuk’s second complaint.
Habakkuk 2: The Lord’s second answer: write the revelation: woe to robbers, unjust gain, builders, drinkers, idolaters
Habakkuk 3: Habakkuk’s prayer: God goes forth in glory and destruction: justice, even in the midst of disaster and famine, “I will rejoice in the Lord and be joyful in the God of my salvation.”
Zephaniah 1: Warning of destruction coming: Against Judah:sweep away all animals: Great day of the Lord. Coming Judgment against Judah, He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth.
Revelation 3: The message to the church in Sardis, the message to the church in Philadelphia, the message to the church in Laodicea,
Revelation 4: Worship in Heaven (see pg 159) Let’s learn the language of heaven: v8 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty…v11 You are worthy, O Lord…
Revelation 5: The Lamb opens the scroll, wept for no one could release the will of God to us, we were dumb, perfect power, authority and vision, “You are worthy to take the scroll…””