3-Jan: Genesis 6-8; Matthew 6-7
Genesis 6: The sons of God take human wives. Giants were the result of these relations. Evil thoughts of mankind break God’s heart. God says, I will wipe out the human race. God tells Noah His plans and gives Noah plans for the boat of salvation. Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded.
Genesis 7: Finally the day came. Seven pairs of clean animals. Also, seven pairs of birds and a pair, male and female of the rest. One week later, water from above and below. The rain fell for forty days and nights. The Flood covers the earth, even the mountains. The boat floated safely on the surface.
Genesis 8: The Flood Recedes
Matthew 6 Teaching about giving to the needy, Teaching about prayer and fasting, teaching about money and possessions.
Matthew 7 Don’t condemn others, effective prayer, the golden rule, the narrow gate, the tree and its fruit, true disciples, building on a solid foundation.
Matt. 7:24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.