The hebrew word, chesed is translated steadfast love. God’s love is continual. He listens every time we plead for his grace.
When we pray, we may wonder if God is listening. The Psalmist, like us begs god to listen. Since he has brought us salvation, we can be sure he cares enough to hear our prayers.
Is the prophet talking about Jesus. the Firstborn, the highest king. Who else could it be? Because of the STEADFAST LOVE of God, forever this high king will preside over the covenant relationship between God and his people.
Jesus confirms that God has assigned this spiritual kingdom and given responsibility for it’s leaders to influence and administrate its purposes. Israel here, is all people that submit to the Lordship of Christ, the highest King.
♥chesed. The Hebrew word, hin·nê·nî, “Here I am” was recently brought to my attention. In my mind, loving kindness and presence, are the marks of a man of God.