Weekly commitments— What needs to happen this week? One of the things I did this week was start planning out 8 lessons for the 8 Moves webinar curriculum. Each week we will take on one of the moves in a longer form— That’s not something that would happen, just by doing morning pages. I think I will have to set aside three-hour chunks, (Thank you, Cal Newport, check out his book, Deep Work, here.) to accomplish that. Time is not managed, effectively used up, burned up, done, and gone. What a sad thought, especially when sometimes we don’t take action like we should.
Time is running out — Is it? There’s always enough time to do what is truly important. Make a list of what you have to do. Then separate, discern, (see Move 2) — decide what is life-giving, what is wise, what is important, and what has eternal significance. I’m sure the list gets smaller when you try to filter it through the values and truth that we have been considering. Is the To Do list really that important? Are there people that we just need to be with? Are there ways to waste time, with God and his children that should take priority? How can we be completely connected to time and eternity? Prioritize carefully when time is running out.
Monthly responsibilities— Whether it be your monthly budget, bills, family duties, or chores, what needs to be done every month? What needs to be given appropriate time for work and life? I’m thinking about monthly donations, trees to trim, and maintenance on the house, all take time. Our monthly Spiritual Field Trips and Activities: Various teaching and training opportunities could be scheduled, but I need to inspire folks that it’s worth doing. What are your big components? I’m thinking: 1) Creation Outline 2) Practices 3) Self Evaluation