phot by Ben White, Unsplash.com
And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. (Isaiah 58:11 ESV)
And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. (Matthew 10:42 ESV)
Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. (John 13:5 ESV)
And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”. (Acts 8:36 ESV)
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. (Revelation 22:17 ESV)
Reflection: Just as water refreshes and nourishes, God calls us to pour out our lives in service to others. Jesus modeled this through acts of humility and love, such as washing the disciples’ feet. We are called to reflect that same care and to offer His life-giving presence to those around us.
Action: Remember baptism as a pledge of lifelong commitment: Reflect on the transformative power of baptism, allowing it to be a reminder of your daily surrender to Christ and the new life He offers. Seek ongoing spiritual renewal through repentance, prayer, and openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading.