28-Dec: Zechariah 5-8; Revelation 12-14
Zechariah 5 A flying scroll, a woman in as basket, the basket to Babylonia, a temple for the basket. against thief and liar: basket of wickedness for Babylonia
Zechariah 6: Four chariots: crown for Joshua: diligently obey the Lord: Temple will be built, Four chariots, the Sour Spirits of Heaven, the crowning of Joshua
Zechariah 7: Was the fasting for me?: Justice and mercy – when I called they would not come: so when they would not listen. A call to justice and mercy, Your ancestors would not listen, they put their fingers in their ears.
Zechariah 8: the Lord to bless Jerusalem: old and young in the streets: remnant: ten will take hold of one Jew. Promised Blessings for Jerusalem, ten people will clutch at the hem of one Jew’s robe and say, Let us walk with you, we have heard God’s with you.
Revelation 12: The woman and the Dragon
Revelation 13: The Beast out of the sea, the beast out of the east solved the number if you have understanding.
Revelation 14: The Lamb and the 144,000 on Mt. Zion, The tree Angeles, the first “Fear God”…he will sit as Judge”, 2ndAngel “Babylon has fallen” the mark: God’s wrath, The harvest of earth,