24-Jan: Exodus 2-4; Mark 12-13
Exodus 2: Moses is born. (1-10) Moses Kills Egyptian and runs away from Pharaoh, who plans to kill him. (11-15) In the wilderness of Midian, Jethro gives Moses Zipporah as his wife. (16-22) God hears the cries of slavery in Egypt. (23-25)
Exodus 3: I Am appears in the burning bush to Moses. (1-6) God has seen the suffering of His people and will send Moses as their redeemer. (7-12) God says, “I will strike Egypt then Pharoah will let you go.” (13-22)
Exodus 4: The Lord gives signs and powers to Moses so they may believe. (1-9) Moses makes excuses but God gives him assurance. (10-17) Moses asks Jethro for permission to return to Egypt. (18-20) At the price of Pharoah’s firstborn Israel will be freed. (21-23) Zipporah calls Moses a bridegroom of blood. (24-26) Aaron and Moses meet about God’s intentions and commands then they go to the elders of Israel. (27-31)
Mark 12: The parable of the vineyard leased to tenants () paying taxes, marriage in eternity?, greatest commandment, Who’s son is Christ, widows offering.
Mark 13: Signs of the end of the age, The day unknown